
Showing posts from May, 2016

How to write Custom delete Confirmation Modal for Kendo Grid in MVC:

How to write Custom delete Confirmation Modal for Kendo Grid in MVC: For the above task, we need to add custom command for delete operation.For the Click, the argument is the javascript function name. .Columns(columns =>columns.Command(command => { command.Custom("Delete").Click("deleteRow"));  Later, you need to tell the kendo Grid that you want to suppress the default behavior for the Delete Action. .Editable(editable => editable.DisplayDeleteConfirmation(false)) Need to remove the destroy property for the datasource mapping to grid. Like .Destroy for the DataSource has to be removed. We are handling this server side work through script logic. Now, write the modal window markup for the Delete pop-up. <div id="modalWindow">     <h2>Are you sure to Delete?</h2>     <span class="k-label">Reason For Deletion</span> <input id="txtReasonForChange" class="k-textbox" />    ...